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Iowa Wrecking Contractor

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Wrecking contractor - Hiring a wrecking contractor for demolishing industrial, commercial or residential structures is the only way to get the job done legally and safely. Not only does a wrecking contractor possess the licensing and insurance that is necessary to get the job done within the restraints of the law, but they also have the heavy equipment to make for a safe and efficient demolition. From basic building knockdowns, to controlled implosions to LEED waste management points, a wrecking contractor can provide many different services for your construction project.

But it’s not all just sledgehammers and dump trucks—a wrecking contractor has to define a demolition plan before any work can be done. Careful inspection of the structure, thorough examination of the blueprints and detailed planning is required long before the first piece of the building is removed. Once a plan of action is ready, workers can begin demolishing the structure using a variety of materials and equipment. Refuse is sorted and recycled or discarded according to the material.

Some wastes cannot be recycled and must be removed and discarded using specialized safety equipment. Lead, asbestos and even mildew can all be toxic materials to handle. Specialized wrecking contractors who are certified in toxic waste handling are legally able to discard these materials. Be sure to look for a wrecking contractor who has the right license for handling toxic materials if you suspect they may be in your structure.

LEED ratings can be increased through a wrecking contractor service as well. Leadership in energy efficiency and design, or LEED is a rating system used to determine a structures impact on the environment both during construction and after. Points are accessed and added as each environmentally conscience act or benefit that occurs during the design, building and life of the structure is completed. The point system is used by government agencies, insurance companies and property appraisers to increase value, give tax breaks or gain grants from government agencies. A wrecking contractor can provide additional LEED points through environmentally responsible waste recycling and removal practices, allowing your project to gain additional value, be eligible for certain grants and save money.

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